Personal Trainer
in Leamington Spa
Personal Training in Leamington Spa by T Wood Fitness
Are you looking for a PT in Leamington?
Do you require one-to-one personal training?
Want to find an individual PT in Leamington?
Looking for a free personal training session?
Do you want a 1-2-1 PT consultation?
T Wood Fitness by Tom Wood, I'm a passionate
and fully qualified personal trainer in Kenilworth,
Warwickshire. Empowering you to improve not just
your health, but also your lifestyle! Book your free
PT taster session and consultation with me today.
One to One Personal Training is perfect is you are looking
for regular face to face guidance towards achieving your
fitness goals. The amount of sessions per week can be
tailored to the individual clients requirements, typically
between 1-3 sessions per week. All one to one training
includes a full Personalised Training Programme
and Nutrition Plan. I welcome any clients from the
Leamington Spa area to join me, plans start from just
£140 per month, Book Online today.
Group Training is generally for two people who want to
train together and want face to face contact with a
Personal Trainer. This works very well for two people
who share the same goals but still want a Personalised Training Programme and Nutrition Plan. Similarly to one to one training, group training ranges from 1-3 sessions per week. Prices start from £80 per person, per month.
A Personalised Training Programme might be ideal if you need some help towards achieving your fitness goals, but cannot schedule in regular Personal Training sessions, or you are comfortable training alone.
A Bespoke Nutrition Plan might be exactly what you need to reach your goals, whether it be fat loss, building muscle or towards generally improving your health.
Do you want to transform your physique in only 8 weeks? Maybe you are going on holiday or have a special event you want to attend? This challenge is designed for those who want to give it everything they can for 8 weeks and are good at following specific guidelines around training and nutrition.
You can check out some of my clients Transformations and Testimonials on my Results page. Real people, with real results in Leamington Spa.
For the latest tips to help with your health and fitness goals you can read my Blog, and join my Mailing List to receive advice and updates direct to your inbox.
Why not head over to my Shop for T Wood Fitness clothing and accessories, from T Shirts and Water Bottles to Gift Vouchers, you can buy online with the option to collect direct from me at the gym.
I am extremely excited to meet new people who are passionate about changing their physiques and improving their health, not just for a few months but for the rest of their lives! Working with me is not about a “quick fix fad diet” or short unsustainable training programme. Working with me will empower you to improve not just your health, but also your lifestyle!
People of Leamington, get in touch to get in the shape of your life!